Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation Team

MEMS/NEMS Innovation Team

The NEU MEMS/NEMS Innovation Team was founded based on the Li Jianchang’s vacuum thin film devices research group, who is a teacher from the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, and is in charge of the whole management of the group. Instructor always does everything he can do to help this team, including providing the 118 room laboratory of Jidian Building, technical support and part of the team’s expense support. The research group has equipped with computer workstations, all kinds of electrical apparatus and experiment devices. Recently, the research group was equipped with SPM scanning probe microscope which worth more than 300 thousand yuan RMB. All these provide a very good foundation for students’ research and innovation.

The main research direction of this team is basic application of vacuum precision instrument system and solid state thin film material and photoelectric devices. The aim of the research group is to provide students a platform to encourage graduates to improve their own innovation abilities, and on the other hand to bring up a “pre-cultivation system” for postgraduates, thus those graduates can directly take part in scientific research activities that face to academic frontiers and the reality of scientific production, so as to improve students’ comprehensive innovation abilities and qualities.

To make students more directly connect knowledge with practice, Li Jianchang and other teachers opened several Process Equipment and Control related courses, thus laid a solid theoretical and practical foundation for the team’s research in vacuum thin film devices areas, such as The Introduction Of MEMS/NEMS Technology, Surface Analysis Instrument And Technology, Nano material and devices, and so on. Guided by teachers, the team members took part in provincial and national science and technology competitions and the national college students Innovation and Entrepreneurship projects like the 9th Liaoning College Students Mechanical Innovation Design Competition, the 11th Liaoning Challenge-cup Extracurricular and Academic Contest, the 6th National College Students  Innovation Experimental Program, The 7th National College Students  Innovation Experimental Program, the 5th National  Energy Saving Design Competition, the 1st Provincial College Student Innovation Training Program, and so on. Members of the team published many papers and applied many patents under the guidance of the teachers.

The team systematically brought up and practiced the talent cultivation system featured “aiming to cultivate high-end talents, make progressive efforts, more competitive management”, which is highly in accord with higher education law and the social needs. They hope to make joint efforts to build a strong bridge between higher education and social needs, and find a win-win path that students, students’ families, universities and society can all get benifited in it, thus provide a new talent cultivation model for universities.

Address: Jidian Building , room 118B
